toksik — sif. <yun. toxikondan> 1. Zəhərli, zəhərləyici. Toksik maddələr. Nikotinin toksik təsiri. 2. Toksinin təsiri nəticəsi olan. Sinir sisteminin toksik zədələnməsi … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
antitoxic — /æntiˈtɒksɪk/ (say antee toksik) adjective 1. counteracting toxic influences. 2. of or serving as an antitoxin …
bacteriotoxic — /bækˌtɪəriəˈtɒksɪk/ (say bak.tearreeuh toksik) adjective 1. harmful to bacteria. 2. caused by toxins of bacterial origin. –bacteriotoxin, noun …
cytotoxic — /saɪtoʊˈtɒksɪk/ (say suytoh toksik) adjective of or relating to the destruction of cells. {cyto + toxic} …
ecotoxic — /ikoʊˈtɒksɪk/ (say eekoh toksik) adjective (of a chemical) having a deleterious effect on organisms in the environment. {eco + toxic} …
fetotoxic — /fitoʊˈtɒksɪk/ (say feetoh toksik) adjective → foetotoxic. –fetotoxicity, noun …
foetotoxic — /fitoʊˈtɒksɪk/ (say feetoh toksik) adjective toxic to a foetus in utero, as by absorption through the placenta from the mother s blood. Also, fetotoxic. –foetotoxicity, noun Usage: For spelling variation see oe …
non-toxic — /nɒn ˈtɒksɪk/ (say non toksik) adjective not toxic. –non toxically, adverb …
toxic — /ˈtɒksɪk/ (say toksik) adjective 1. of, relating to, affected with, or caused by a toxin or poison. 2. poisonous. 3. detrimental to a good outcome; extremely disadvantageous: toxic assets; toxic debt. 4. Colloquial harmful; destructive: a toxic… …
toxic asset — /tɒksɪk ˈæsɛt/ (say toksik aset) noun a financial asset, the value of which has been revealed to be significantly diminished because it is affected by toxic debt …
toxic cloud — /tɒksɪk ˈklaʊd/ (say toksik klowd) noun an airborne plume of dust, fumes, gases, mist or vapours containing toxic substances …